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Life & Upgrade Series

If you're browsing the LIFE series, you have found yourself on the emotional wellbeing side of the blog where we address real and raw feelings, how they affect us, and how we can find inner strength to keep growing as a human.

In the UPGRADE series we will talk about three types of clutter in our lives. Physical clutter, emotional clutter, and time clutter. Let’s tame some chaos!

Addressing the Chaos: Physical Clutter ~ Part 2

Addressing the Chaos: Physical Clutter ~ Part 2

Well my fellow peeps, it’s been way too long. I went back to work full time at the school and somehow let months pass without writing. As I am stuck in bed with my annual spring cold, I found some time to finally share this blog. Sometimes I feel like the procrastination and lack of a sense of time make the days pass even quicker.

I will say that besides being extremely busy these past few months, I have also overcome some major road blocks to success. In part thanks to a friend sharing a Mel Robbins podcast with me. Since then I have started using her 5 second rule and made huge leaps in my personal and professional life. Thank you, Mel Robbins.

Her science based tips have helped me to not only change some daily habits but also implement some life changing goals. And when I already had this whole blog written out about pile making, I heard her podcast that made me realize that there are many ways to accomplish a goal. I’ll link to her podcast later for those who like me get easily overwhelmed when trying to get organized. We need all the help we can get!

After the Inspiration Is Locked In ~ Make Your Piles

We have found our inspiration, we know how this space should serve us, so let’s organize it. Well, this is one method. It works for me especially in smaller spaces like the pantry, a closet, or a desk. These piles we will make are not just our typical doom piles found sporadically throughout the house, these piles will help us divide and conquer the clutter.

I know you have some extra bins laying around. They probably have some unnecessary items that can be discarded in them. I like to have one bin or bag at least for items to donate. You will also need a bag for trash. When I was quickly clearing out items during my divorce time, I would pick up an item and ask myself two questions. Do I use this? How does this thing make me feel? If I felt icky, I tossed it or donated it. If it was an item I loved and used I put it in the keep pile. So we have: 1~ Throw out, 2~ Donate, 3~ Maybe, 4~ Definitely Keep.

I like to clear the space completely as I make the piles, clean it thoroughly, and start with a blank clean canvas. For myself, I can’t envision what I want the space to look like in the end if the stuff is still there blocking my view. Also, I cannot use cabinets or drawers at all! Out of sight equals that item never existed. Why do I have 8 jars of oregano? For my space to properly serve me it must be simple, visible, and clutter free. Some items may be tucked away if I know exactly what corner to go to find it, such as extra toilet paper. I very very easily lose things or forget I bought them.

Decision Time & Space Making

When sorting through the items, be quick and not too sentimental. I find it best to just keep a few very sentimental items. Perhaps a keepsake box or bin. I might also find a way to make it part of my home décor. Weigh each item and ask those important questions. How does it make me feel? What purpose does it serve? Will it have a proper home in this space? Do I really need it? Have I used it recently? Does it belong in a different space?

This can be difficult, but is necessary. Now that we have evaluated each item we can look at our blank canvas and make sure our vision still works and decide how the space will be prepared. Is it a shelf, basket, artwork that is needed? What about the necessary items that must return to the space? Will I be able to access and view them easily?

Keep it simple, add some personality, and make sure it serves a purpose for you. Space making isn’t just about cleaning out clutter, it’s about creating a space with good flow and positivity. You might need a space that makes you feel creative, cozy, warm, inspired, inviting, or happy. As an INFP my space is very connected to my productivity.

We are all our own person, so remember to let your colors shine. For some of us, we spend a lot of time in our home, so it’s extremely important that our space properly serves us and adds to our life instead of weigh us down.

Maintain Your Space

When each item has a home, a designated space to occupy, it makes life a little more simple. It is also easier to maintain a clean happy home. Don’t forget to take some time each week to check in with yourself and your space around you.

Since I’m not a person that seems to be on top of putting the right thing back where it goes, I also need a system for lost and found items. It takes time, energy, and persistence to maintain a little control over our space, but it is possible.

With a beautiful, simple, refreshed space, I hope you find a little more room for creative chaos and hopefully it helps you find time and inspiration to do the things you love. Time goes by so fast, so remember to appreciate each day and live not only efficiently, simply, but also joyously. Speaking of time, next I want to write about time clutter. What is it and how can we take full advantage of each day?

I can’t forget to include the link to this Mel Robbins podcast. If you are looking for ways to get organized, you will love the insight found in her podcast. Until next time my fellow humans, keep it simple, keep it clutter free, and maybe just a little bit weird.

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