Well, where do I start and where will this story go? I’m not exactly sure, but I’m happy you’re here for the ride. I feel like we all go through things in life, and sometimes very difficult things. My hope is that if I share my chaotic world with you, you will know that you are not alone. Even if one person reads this and finds something helpful it was all worth it. Even if I am the only one who reads my posts, it feels good to write it out.
Let me introduce myself. Like many of you, I had a rough upbringing. Loving parents but a very dysfunctional family I must say. Long story short, I have been through things in life, but haven’t we all? One important lesson I have learned is that it is all about our perspective. Ultimately our outlook will determine our happiness in life.
Writing is so therapeutic, and I love it! Mostly I hope in all the chaos you will find some helpful little nuggets. Sometimes I write to get out all my feelings, or I document the sporadic poem that comes to mind. Disclaimer: I may say strange things, or something you may not agree with, but mostly I hope to write something that can help you get through a difficult day or even inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
Personality type
Who loves the Myers Briggs personality typing? Ever since one of my closest friends introduced me to this I haven’t stopped my research. I am an INFP-T & pretty much 100% empath. To be an empath basically means, you feel empathy to a strong degree. You can emotionally and sometimes physically feel what others feel. For all you INFP’s out there, you know I am a little weird and kinda cute with a splash of a dark side.
I was actually mistyped for many years and miserable because I had lost my true self. There was nothing wrong with the other personality type, it was just not who I was. I have learned over the years that knowing your personality type or not, you know who you are deep down. Whatever you do, do not lose who you are.
What will you read about?
Well, I am constantly sidetracked and thinking about a billion things at once or nothing at all. One thing I am ever curious about, especially since I began my journey to discover my true self again about four years ago is, why? Why am I who I am? Why are you who you are? I will be sharing some life experiences, how to deal with trauma, tips that helped me to heal after divorce, and most importantly why we should never lose who we are at our core. I think that is the most fundamental thing that I have learned thus far.
Also, for the fun stuff, I want to share some of my food, art and copper handmade jewelry. Crafting is good for the soul. A good friend reminded me to always take some time for me, some time to craft and create. As an INFP this is very important to our sanity and inner growth. What are you talented at? What do you want to do? You can do anything you put your mind to.
How can we grow to be a better version of ourselves? How can we make sure we like who we are? Love who you are, and let’s learn how to grow. I will do my best, but since my brain works in complete disorder, do not expect much order to the following chaos.